In 2012 Pastors Dan and Susan returned to Nairobi Kenya together with a team of Bridget Blair and Andrew O'Connell to visit Bishop Stephen and minister the gospel.  During the 9 days we conducted 4 days of open air meetings where crowds grew to over 5000 and there were more than 450 people who came forward to receive Jesus as there Lord and Saviour.  Many healing miracles tookplace during the 4 nights and testimonies of miracles continued to come in after we had gone.  We delivered 186 lbs. of soup mix donated to us by the Gleaners miniistry in Abotsford.   We were also able to purchase new shoes for the 70+ orphans with money raised by the people back at home.  After the open air meetings we ministered in a few of the churches in the very poor areas of the city.  On our trip home we stopped for 3 days in Kampala Uganda to visit Dr. Daniel Nkata who has a church, orphanage and school right near Lake Victoria.  Wow!  God moved powerfully again and many were saved healed and filled with the Holy Spirit.